Your Loving Spirit Fills My Heart With Joy
Your Loving Spirit Fills My Heart With Joy
Your Loving Spirit Fills My Heart With Joy
Your loving spirit fills my heart with joy
Profound and deep – meadows booming, March
Winds calling, creatures rousing that a boy
Delights in -- soft mice, soaring hawks, larch
Birds that dare the chalky, March-mad rains
With endless, aching cries. For you I dance
The loon dance of a thousand spiking veins.
Mad myself, through breezy grass I prance.
A boy again, kite-pulled through placid cows
And bulge-eyed horses, down long lanes I rove,
Inhaling all the warmed and lanterned houses,
Apple-pied and cinnamoned with love.
And if your spirit answers joyously,
Shall I not dance my March-mad way to thee?
July 11, 1992
Austin, Texas