Like Little Mice Inside a Farmhouse Wall
Like Little Mice Inside a Farmhouse Wall
Like Little Mice Inside a Farmhouse Wall
Like little mice inside a farmhouse wall
My thoughts of you go scurrying about,
Now here, now there, now bold, now shy, now all
--Instant alarm! -- so quickly put to rout.
Why do my thoughts go round and round?
Are you so difficult, so hard to please?
Ah no! A kinder soul could not be found.
It’s not your manner causing my unease.
Is it a lack of steadfastness in love?
Are you inclined to smile a bit at others?
Ah no! Your kind affection can’t be moved.
It’s not a jealous heart that’s hurting then.
My sole regret is time’s declining store
Of days – too few – too few – to love you more.
May 30, 1994
Austin, Texas