I Have No Time for Poems Now - I’m Beat
I Have No Time for Poems Now - I’m Beat
I Have No Time for Poems Now – I’m Beat
I have no time for poems now – I’m beat!
I’m much too busy with my daily life.
I sleep, I wake, I drive, I work, I meet
My sweetheart now and then amid the strife
When I (and she, of course) can find the time.
There simply is no time for poetry
Or books, or art, or songs – no time for mimes
Or acrobats! My life is poem free.
I cannot tell you when I last sat down
And read some verse, unless you want to count
Those sentimental jingles that are found
On drugstore greeting cards. At night I mount
The stairs, and on my rumpled bed I fall,
And never think of poetry at all.
November 21, 1992