Dark Thoughts of King Herod on the Night of Our Lord’s  Birth


Dark Thoughts of King Herod

on the Night of Our Lord's Birth

Now come the longest nights, when Saturn rules,

And all the normal world turns upside down.

Now slaves are free to roam about the town

   And Caesar's seat is occupied by fools.

Now kings on camels come pursuing stars

That only their demented eyes can see,

And shepherds chant of signs that seem to be

   mere drivel, thick-tongued talk that's heard in bars.

I've not heard any angels, if you please.

And "peace, goodwill," is an unlikely song

For anyone to sing for very long

   Around these parts, in times like these.

Yet—how the eyes of those old kings did burn!

(They're overdue—they promised to return.)

—Wayne Danielson

     November l6, 1994