Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
January 24, 2004
Born, Burlington, Iowa, Dec. 6, 1929, son of Arthur Leroy and Bessie Ann (Bonar)
Danielson. Married Beverly Grace Kinsell, March 19, 1955, d. Oct. 31,1988; children: Matthew Henry, Jan. 13, 1957; Benjamin Wayne, July 30, 1958; Grace Frances, Nov. 25, 1959; Paul Arthur, Aug. 16, 1963. Married LaVonne Walker Caffey, July 10, 1993; stepchildren: Bradley Neal Caffey, Feb. 23, 1972; Kristin Marie Caffey, April 8, 1975.
B.A. (Journalism) with highest distinction and with special honors in journalism, University of Iowa (Iowa City), 1952.
M.A. (Journalism), Stanford University, 1953. Thesis: A Value Analysis of Advice Columns in Newspapers.
Ph.D. (Mass Communication Research), Stanford University, 1957. Dissertation: Effects of Word Frequency, Word Length and Grammatical Probability on Perception and Immediate Recall of Words.
1956-57 Acting Assistant Professor of Journalism, Stanford University.
1957-59 Assistant Professor, Journalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
1959-63 Associate Professor, Journalism, School of Journalism and Research Associate, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1963-1969 Professor, Journalism, and Research Professor, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1964-1969 Dean, School of Journalism, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
1967-68 Visiting Professor, Journalism, University of Texas at Austin.
1969 Professor of Journalism and Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin.
1969-79 Dean, School of Communication, University of Texas at Austin.
1978 Spring term. Visiting Distinguished Professor of Journalism, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.
1982 Jesse H. Jones Professor of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin.
1984-1987 Director of PROJECT QUEST and chairman of PROJECT QUEST Committee, the University of Texas at Austin's long-term effort to increase the innovative use of microcomputers in teaching and research.
1989 Dewitt Carter Reddick Regents Chair in Communication, University of Texas at Austin.
1990-1996 Chair, Office of Survey Research Advisory Committee, University of Texas at Austin.
1991-92 Chair, Department of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin.
1994-1996 Chair, Campus Advisory Committee, The Texas Poll, University of Texas at Austin.
1996-1998 Director, Office of Accreditation Studies, University of Texas at Austin.
2000-2003 Retired to half-time service.
2002-2003 Teacher of first College of Communication totally online course, J363WB Theories of Mass Communication, fall 2002.
2003-2004 Named Dewitt Carter Reddick Regents Chair Emeritus in Communication effective Sept. 1, 2003.
2002-2003 Teacher (with George Sylvie) of online distance education short course, Writing the News Story, supported by the School of Journalism and the Texas Press Association and first offered in July 2002.
2003-2004 Teacher (with S. Griffin Singer) of online distance education short course, Headline Writing, supported by the School of Journalism and the Texas Press Association and first offered in July 2003.
August 31, 2003. Retired from University of Texas at Austin. Continued to offer online distance education courses with colleagues through the Division of Extension.
1953-54 Reporter and later research manager, San Jose (California) Mercury-News.
1960-66 Consultant, Philadelphia Inquirer, research problems and survey auditor.
1964 Consultant on newspaper automation, Perry Publications, West Palm Beach, Fla.
1970- Consultant on journalism education for the University of South Carolina, the University of Michigan, Indiana University, Washington State University, North Texas State University (Journalism Advisory Council), New Mexico State University, Howard University, the University of Tennessee and Texas Tech University.
1973 Summer editor, The Panola Watchman, Carthage, Texas.
1982, 1987 Consultant on student research, Modern Media Institute, St. Petersburg, Fla.
1984 Consultant on educational offerings, VIEWTRON, Miami, Fla.
1986 Consultant, State of New Jersey, grants for academic computing in higher education.
1988 Readability Consultant, The San Antonio Light.
1989 Member, Readable Home Owners Policy Advisory Committee, Texas State Board of Insurance.
1990-1992 Consultant, marketing research, IMPACT RESOURCES, Columbus, Ohio.
1999 Writing consultant, Dell Computer Corporation, Round Rock, Texas.
Editor, Paul J. Deutschmann Memorial Papers in Mass Communications Research. Cincinnati: Scripps-Howard Research, 1963.
A Computerized Bibliography of Mass Communication Research, 1944-1964. New York: Magazine Publishers Association, 1967. (With G. C. Wilhoit Jr.)
Only in Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, N.C. The Colonial Press, 1967. (With Jock Lauterer)
Exercises and Tests for Journalists. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Company, 1970, 1979. (With Harold L. Nelson and E. L. Callihan)
Programmed Newspaper Style. Fort Worth: American Continental Publishing Co., 1971. (With Blanche Prejean)
Programmed News Style. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Publishing Co., 1978. (Second edition 1987.) (With Blanche Prejean)
Founding editor, Journalism Abstracts, Vols. 1-6 (1963-68) and Vol. 9 (1971) Columbia, S.C.: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. (Abstracts of M.A. and Ph.D. theses and dissertations in journalism and mass communication.)
Editorial Board, Journalism Quarterly, 1964-1971.
Editor, Prentice-Hall Series, Basic Skills in Journalism, 1978-81.
Editorial Board, Mass Communication Review, 1980-81. Beverly Hills Calif.: Sage Publications, Inc.
Editorial Board, Journalism Abstracts, 1982 --. Columbia, S.C.: Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Editor, National AEP Data Base, 1985-1987. Austin, Texas: PROJECT QUEST, The University of Texas at Austin. (Data base of more than 2,000 academic computing projects nationwide.)
Editorial Board, The National Forum, 1986-1989. Baton Rouge, La.: Phi Kappa Phi honorary scholastic fraternity national magazine.
"Content Analysis in Communications Research." In R.O. Nafziger and D.M. White, eds., Introduction to Mass Communications Research. Baton Rouge, La.: Louisiana State University Press, 1963, 180-206.
"The College Newspaper's Responsibility in National and International News." (With Guido H. Stempel III) In Herman A. Estrin and Arthur M. Sanderson, eds., Freedom and Censorship of the College Press. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1966, 227-331.
"The Man-Machine Combination of Computer-Assisted Copy Editing." In F.L. Alt and M. Rubinoff, eds., Advances in Computers, Vol. 7. New York: Academic Press, 1966, 171-193.
"The Impact of the Computer on the Newspaper Industry." In Thomas H. Naylor and Reed Surratt, eds., The Impact of the Computer in Society. Atlanta: Southern Regional Education Board, 1967, 43-48.
"Techniques for Improving Access to Social Science Data and Resources." In Frederick T.C. Yu, ed., Behavioral Sciences and the Mass Media. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1968, 229-233.
"Violence and the Mass Media." In C.R. Hormachea and Marion Hormachea, eds., Crime, Demonstrations and People. Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Commonwealth University Law Enforcement Program, 1969, 57-69.
"Data Processing." In Bruce Westley and Guido H. Stempel III, eds., Research Methods in Mass Communication. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Publishing Co., Second Edition, 1989, 109-123.
“Television Violence in Reality Programs, Year I Results.” First author of eight with Danielson, W., Lasorsa, D., Wartella, E., Whitney, D.C., Campbell, S., Haddad, S., Klijn, M., Lopez, R., & Olivarez, A. In Federman, J. (Ed.), National Television Violence Study, 1994-1995: Scientific Papers. Studio City, CA: Mediascope, Inc., 1996, II 1-55.
“Television Violence in Reality Programs, Year II Results.” Fourth author of seven with Whitney, D.C., Wartella , E., Lasorsa, D., Danielson W., Olivarez, A., Jennings, N. & Klijn, M. In Center for Communication and Social Policy, University of California Santa Barbara (Ed.), National Television Violence Study 1995-1996. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1997, 205-266.
“Perceptions of Social Change: 100 Years of Front-Page Content in The New York Times and The Lost Angeles Times.” First author of two with Wayne A. Danielson and Dominic Lasorsa. In Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical Inferences from Texts and Transcripts. Carl W. Roberts (Ed.). Los Angeles: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.
“Television Violence in Reality Programs, Year III Results.” Fourth author with Whitney, D.C., Wartella, E., Lasorsa, D., Danielson W., Olivarez, A., Jennings, N., & Lopez, R. In Center for Communication and Social Policy, University of California, Santa Barbara (Ed.), National Television Violence Study 1996-97. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 1998, 221-284.
“Television Visual Violence in Reality Programs: Differences Across Genres.” Second author with Lasorsa, D., Danielson, W., Whitney, C., Wartella, E., Klijn, M., Lopez, R., & Olivarez, A. In J.T. Hamilton (Ed.), Television Violence and Public Policy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press (1999).
“Monitoring ‘Reality’ Television: The National Television Violence Study.” Fourth author with Wartella, E., Whitney, C., Lasorsa, D., & Danielson W. In K. Nordenstreng & M. Griffin, (Eds.), International Media Monitoring. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 1999, 367-384.
"Eisenhower's February Decision: A Study of News Impact." Journalism Quarterly 33 (1957), 433-441.
"A Factor Analysis of Language Elements Affecting Readability." Journalism Quarterly 35 (1958), 420-426 (With James Brinton)
"Anticipated Audiences as Determinants of Recall." Public Opinion Quarterly 56 (1958), 282-283. (With Wilbur Schramm)
"Diffusion of Knowledge of the Major News Story." Journalism Quarterly 37 (1960) 345-355. (With Paul J. Deutschmann)
"Completeness of Coverage of the 1960 Campaign." Journalism Quarterly 38 (1961) 441-452. (With John B. Adams)
"A Computer Program for Editing the News." Communications of the ACM 6 (1963) 487-490. (With Bruce Briggs)
"Readability of Wire Stories in Eight News Categories." Journalism Quarterly 41 (1964) 105-106. (With Sam Dunn Bryan)
"Computer Automation of Two Readability Formulas." Journalism Quarterly 39 (1963) 201-206. (With Sam Dunn Bryan)
"A Basic Space Unit for Content Analysis." Journalism Quarterly 42 (1965) 108-110 (With James J. Mullen)
"Computer Analysis of News Prose." Computer Studies in the Humanities and Verbal Behavior 1 (1968) 55-60.
"The AEJ President's Address." Journalism Quarterly 48 1971) 818-820, 834.
"The Next Generation of American Journalists." Quill 59 (1971)18-19.
Wilbur Schramm and the Unreachable Stars: The Technological Papers." In Steven H. Chaffee, ed., Godwin C. Chu, Jack Lyle and Wayne Danielson, Contributions of Wilbur Schramm to Mass Communications Research. Journalism Monographs 36 (October 1974) 24-30.
"The Creative Computer?" Discovery (Spring 1981). Austin: The University of Texas at Austin, 8-10.
"The Writer and the Computer." Computers and the Humanities 19 (1985) 85-88.
"Report From the Barricades of the Computer Revolution on Campus." Educom Bulletin 20 (1985) 17-18.
"Spanish Language Print Media Use as an Indicator of Acculturation." Journalism Quarterly 62 (1985) 734-40, 762. (With Pamela Shoemaker and Stephen Reese)
"Social Correlates of Public Attitudes Toward the New Communication Technologies." Journalism Quarterly 63 (1986) 675-682. (With Stephen Reese and Pamela Shoemaker)
"Ethnicity of Interviewer Effects Among Mexican Americans." Public Opinion Quarterly 50 (1986) 653-572. (With Stephen Reese, Pamela Shoemaker, Tsan-Kuo Chang and Huei-Ling Hsu.)
"Ethnic Concentration as Predictor of Media Use." Journalism Quarterly 64 (1987) 281-3. (With Pam. J. Shoemaker, Stephen D. Reese and Kenneth Hsu)
"The Next Generation of Academic Microcomputer Software." Perspectives in Computing 7 (1987) 34-40.
"Sampling Ethnic Media Use: The Case of Hispanics." Journalism Quarterly 65 (1988) 189-191. (With Tsan-Kuo Chang, Pamela J. Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese)
"UT's Project QUEST Reaches Deep Into Instruction and Research." T.H.E. Journal Special Issue (1988) 67-70.
"Involvement With the Media: Recall Versus Recognition of Election Information." Journal of Communication. 16 (1989) 78-103. (With Pamela J. Shoemaker and Caroline Schooler)
"A New Readability Formula Based on the Stylistic Age of Novels." Journal of Reading. (December 1989) 194-197. (With Dominic L. Lasorsa)
"Journalists and Novelists: A Study of Diverging Styles." Journalism Quarterly. (Summer,
1992) 436-446. (With Dominic L. Lasorsa and Dah-Som Michelle Im)
The Fresno Study: A Report on Public Opinion Toward the Success Schools Are Having in Teaching the Three R's. Stanford University Institute for Journalistic Studies, 1955 75 pp.
Sensationalism in the Life History of Magazines. Madison: University of Wisconsin School of Journalism, 1958 (With Harold L. Nelson)
The UNIVAC 1105 as an Aid in Editing and Producing a Newspaper. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina School of Journalism, 1962 8 pp. (With Stuart R. Sechriest and Bruce Briggs)
The Readability of the AP TA-Wire Report. In News Research for Better Newspapers. Washington, D.C.: ANPA Foundation, Vol. 1 1965 pp. 94-95. (With Sam Dunn Bryan)
Readership and Opinion Survey of the Chapel Hill Weekly. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina School of Journalism, 1967 109 pp.
(With panel members) America's Uncounted People. Washington, D.C.: Advisory Committee on Problems of Census Enumeration, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, 1972.
Enrollment and Degrees Conferred in Journalism and Higher Education from 1960-1973. In AASDJ Studies on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 1 (April 1974). Austin: University of Texas at Austin School of Communication. (With F. Edwin Cockrell)
A Descriptive Study of College and University Teachers of Journalism in the United States. In AASDJ Studies on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication 2 (August 1975). Austin: University of Texas at Austin School of Communication. (With Nwabu Mgbemena)
(With panel members) Counting the People in 1980: An Appraisal of Census Plans. Washington, D.C.: Panel on Decennial Census Plans, Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1978.
Media in Ethnic Context: Communication and Language in Texas. Austin: University of Texas at Austin Department of Journalism, 1984. (With Pamela J. Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese)
Annual Report of PROJECT QUEST. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1984, 1985, 1986-87.
Texas Highways Magazine Readership Study. Austin: University of Texas at Austin Department of Journalism, 1986, 137 pp. (With Pamela Shoemaker.)
PROJECT QUEST at the University of Texas at Austin. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1987, 8 pp.
Innovations in Academic Computing: A Report on IBM's Advanced Education Projects, 1985-1988. Austin: University of Texas at Austin Printing Division, 1988, 438 pp. (With Lucig Danielian, Kyun-Tae Han and Khalid Hurrat.)
Adaptation of a Spanish Language Readability Formula for IBM microcomputers. Austin: University of Texas at Austin Department of Journalism, July 31, 1988, 32 pp. and 2 computer disks. (With Dominic L. Lasorsa and J. Carlos Lozano.)
A Readability Study of the San Antonio Light and the San Antonio Express-News, Aug. 9-13, 1988. Austin: Wayne Danielson, 2817 Glenview. 37 pp.
Editors and Hardware: Three Case Studies in Technology Management Austin: University of Texas at Austin Printing Division, 1989, 115 pp. (With George Sylvie)
Texas Highways Magazine Readership Study. Austin: University of Texas at Austin Department of Journalism, October 1990, 145 pp. (With Sae Kyung Seo)
Survey of the May 1993 College of Communication Graduates. Austin: University of Texas at Austin Office of Survey Research, 1995, 53 pp. (With Veronica Inchauste)
Director, Accreditation Studies, 1995-1997. General editor of three reports:
Vol. 1, Information Technology and the Future of the University. Austin: The University of Texas at Austin 1997. 120 pp.
Vol. 2. Report on Compliance. Austin: The University of Texas at Austin 1997. 264 pp.
Vol. 3. Report on Athletics. Austin: The University of Texas at Austin 1997. 136 pp.
Lyle L. Miller. Maintaining Reading Efficiency. In Journalism Quarterly 36 (1959) 497.
Leon Festinger. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. In Journalism Quarterly 35 (1958) 227-228.
Eleanor E. Maccoby, et al. Readings in Social Psychology (3rd Edition). In Journalism Quarterly 36 (1959) 225-226.
Joseph T. Klapper. The Effects of Mass Communication. In Social Forces 40 (1961) 98.
Stanley Kelley Jr. Political Campaigning: Problems in Creating an Informed Electorate. In Journalism Quarterly 38 (1961) 239-240.
Everett M. Rogers. Diffusion of Innovations. In Journalism Quarterly 49 (1963) 380-381.
Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. In New Wine: A Christian Journal of Opinion 5 (1966) 47-49.
Bradley S. Greenberg and Edwin B. Parker, eds., The Kennedy Assassination and the American Public. In Journalism Quarterly 43 (1966) 47-49.
Richard L. Merritt. Symbols of American Community, 1735-1775. In American Political Science Review 61 (1967) 799.
Klaus Krippendorff. Content Analysis: The Nature and Use of the Method. In Journal of Communication 32 (1982) 232-233.
Everett M. Rogers. Diffusion of Innovations. (3rd Edition) An essay review, "Diffusion Research Across the Years," in Journalism Quarterly 61 (1984) 192-193.
Roderick P. Hart. Verbal Style and the American Presidency:
A Computer-Based Analysis. In Journalism Quarterly 63 (1986) 208.
Gerald Stone. Examining Newspapers: What Research Reveals About America's Newspapers. In Newspaper Research Journal 9 (1987) 91-92.
An essay review, "How to Write Like Wilbur Schramm," in Journalism Quarterly 65 (1988) 519-521.
An essay review, Scholars and Personal Computers, Microcomputer Applications in Qualitative Research, and Microcomputer Methods for Social Sciences in Journalism Quarterly 67 (1990) 236-237.
An essay review, "The Encyclopedia of Communications," in Journalism Quarterly 67 (1990) 1119-1120.
David Gelsanliter. Fresh Ink: Behind the Scenes at a Major Metropolitan Newspaper, in The Dallas Morning News (June 25, 1995).
Paul Levinson. Digital McLuhan: A Guide to the information Millennium. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. In Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 79 (2002) 224-225.
"Applying Guttman Scaling to Content Analysis." Association for Education in Journalism Convention, Ann Arbor, Mich., August 1961.
"The Diffusion of News in America." American Orthopsychiatric Association, Washington, D.C., 1963.
"How Computer Technology Will Affect the News Room." Wisconsin Journalism Institutes, Madison, Wis., 1964.
"Research Methods in Mass Communication." Fifteen lectures presented at the International Center for Advanced Studies in Journalism for Latin America (CIESPAL), Quito, Ecuador, October 1964, October 1965.
"Is There a Computer in the Future of Your Library?" Associated Press Managing Editors Convention, Phoenix, Ariz., November 1964.
“Courses Offered in the Accredited Schools and Departments of Journalism in the United States." American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, New York, April 22, 1968.
"Stylistic Identification of the Newspaper Editorials of W.J. Cash." Modern Language Association Convention, New York City, Dec. 28, 1968.
"Communication as an Art and a Science." Mason-Dixon Division, American College Public Relations Society, Charleston, S.C., March 25, 1969.
"The Next Generation of American Journalists." Presidential Address to the Association for Education in Journalism, Columbia, S.C., August 23, 1971.
"Journalism and the Humanistic Question." Association for Education in Journalism Convention, Ottawa, Canada, August 17, 1975.
"Journalism and the World of Scholarship." The J. Rion McKissick Lecture, The University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C., April 18, 1977.
"The Status of Writing in American Colleges and Universities." Council for Advancement and Support of Education Convention, Fort Worth, Texas, April 19, 1979.
"Newspapers Without Buggywhips: Automation in the 1980s." American Newspaper Publishers Association Research Institute Production Management Conference, Las Vegas, June 6, 1979.
"His Master's Voice: Variations on a Technological Theme." Paper given at the Leslie G. Moeller Recognition Dinner: Communication of the Future and Our Traditional Freedoms, Association for Education in Journalism, Boston, August 13, 1980.
"New Directions for Research in the New Technology." Plenary Session on Media in the 80s: Research and Technology. Boston: Association for Education in Journalism, August 11, 1980.
"A Computer-Oriented Approach to Teaching the Content Analysis Course." Association for Education in Journalism, East Lansing, Mich., August 10, 1981.
"An Interactive Computer Program to Help in the Teaching of News Writing." Association for Education in Journalism, Athens, Ohio, August 1982.
"A New Readability Formula Based on `Stylistic Age' of Prose." Texas Journalism Education Council Symposium, San Angelo, Texas, October 1982 (With Dominic L. Lasorsa)
"How to Write Like Wilbur Schramm: What We Have Learned So Far." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., August 1984.
"Social Correlates of Public Attitudes Toward the New Communication Technologies." Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, November 1984. (With Stephen D. Reese and Pamela J. Shoemaker)
"Mexican-Americans as an Ethnic Sample: Random Digit Dialing Vs. Sampling by Surnames." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Memphis, Tennessee, August 1985. (With Tsan-Kuo Chang, Stephen D. Reese and Pamela J. Shoemaker)
"Mexican-Americans as Interviewers and Respondents: Sources of Bias in Answer to Cultural Questions." International Communication Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 1985. (With Stephen D. Reese, Pamela J. Shoemaker, Tsan-Kuo Chang and Jennifer Hsu)
"Demand for Spanish-Language Media in Texas." Newspaper Research Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., April 1985. (With Pamela Shoemaker and Stephen D. Reese)
"Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Memphis, Tennessee, August 1985.
"The Newspaper Firm Simulation Revisited: Changes After a Decade." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Memphis, Tennessee, August 1985 (With George R. Sylvie)
"The Challenge of Qualitative Evaluation." Advanced Educational Projects Conference, San Diego, California, April 1986. Published in Frederick Dwyer, ed., 1986 University AEP Conference Proceedings. Milford, Conn.: IBM Academic Information Systems, 1986 (Vol 4) 102-110.
"Proportion of Ethnics as a Predictor of Media Use and Attitudes." International Communication Association, Chicago, May 1986. (With Pamela J. Shoemaker, Stephen D. Reese and Kenneth Hsu)
"Exploring Linkages Between Community Ties to Place and Mass Media Use." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Norman, Oklahoma, August 1986. (With Pamela J. Shoemaker, Randy Miller and Kyun-Tae Han)
"On Reading Wilbur Schramm's Obituary in the Times." 40th Anniversary of the Institute for Communications Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 18-19, 1988.
"Artificial Intelligence and the Mass Media." Talk given at the Technology Studies Seminar, Gannett Center for Media Studies, New York City, Oct. 26, 1988.
"A Terrible Mess in Kansas." Talk given on `Why We Teach' at the Experienced Faculty Teaching Conference, University of Texas at Austin, Jan. 12, 1989. (Excerpts appear in the Newsletter of the Center for Teaching Effectiveness 10:3 (1989) 1-2.)
"New Perspectives in Academic Computing: Results from the Advanced Education Project (AEP) Campuses." Talk given at the IBM Seminar for Deans of Schools of Education, Austin, Texas, June 13, 1989.
"The Job of the Journalist." Remarks on being inducted into the Hall of Fame, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of Iowa (1989).
"The Future of Communication Research." Remarks at The Ph.D. Program in Mass Communication Research's 25th Anniversary Convocation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April 28, 1990.
"Teaching Communication Theory the American Way." Panel presentation, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minn., Aug. 9, 1990.
"Journalists and Novelists: A Study of Diverging Styles." Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Minneapolis, Minn. August 11, 1990. (With Dominic L. Lasorsa and Dah-Som Michelle Im.)
A Tribute to Red Gibson and Karen Christy. Commencement address, College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin, December 5, 1993.
"Academic Computing at UT-Austin." Talk given to Scholia, University of Texas at Austin, December 21, 1993.
“Perceptions of Social Change: 100 Years of Front-Page Content in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times,” (First author of two: Wayne A. Danielson and Dominic Lasorsa.) Paper presented to the Inferential Textual Analysis Workshop. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie-Mellon University, 1993.
"Information Technology and the Future of Journalism." Keynote address for Mass Communication Day, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 15, 1996.
“New Research on Television Violence and Its Impact on Children.” (Second author of four: Ellen Wartella, Wayne Danielson, Dominic Lasorsa and D. Charles Whitney.) Paper presented to the International Communication Association Conference. Chicago: May 1996.
"Violence in TV Reality Programs: Differences Across Genres." Talk given at Duke Conference on Media Violence and Public Policy, Durham, N.C. (Second author of seven: Dominic Lasorsa, Wayne Danielson, Ellen Wartella, D. Charles Whitney, Marlies Klijn, Rafael Lopez and Adriana Olivarez.) Durham, N.C.: June 28, 1996.
“TV Violence in Reality-Based Programming.” (Second author of four: Dominic L. Lasorsa, Wayne A. Danielson, Ellen Wartella and Charles D. Whitney.) Paper presented to the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA: August 1996.
“Violence in Reality Programming: National Television Violence Study Second Year Results and Public Policy Implications.” (First author of four: Wayne A. Danielson, Dominic L. Lasorsa, Ellen Wartella and D. Charles Whitney.) Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division of the International Communication Association Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada, 1997.
“A Tribute to Charles Warlick.” A talk given at the University of Texas at Austin retirement reception for Charles Warlick. Aug. 27, 1997.
“Perspectives on TV Violence.” The Robison Lecture, Bradley University, September 1997.
"Talking with a Dinosaur." Remarks to the AEJCMC Conference on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Journalism Quarterly. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 6, 1998.
More than 300 brief religious essays written since 1970 as part of a continuing series of monthly talks given at Tarrytown United Methodist Church.
Edward Wesley Dunn. A Factor Analysis of Communication Habits and Attitudes Among Mexican Americans in Austin and San Antonio. UT Austin 1973.
Bruce Holbrook. Mainland China's External Propaganda Values, 1958-1974: A Content Analysis of the Peking Review. UT Austin 1976.
Robert Emmett Rayfield. Two Experiments in Computer Analysis of Newspaper Prose: Readability Assessment and Automatic Indexing. UT Austin 1977.
Nishan Rafi Havandjian. National Differences in the Press Coverage of the Lebanese War. UT Austin 1979.
Nwabu Nwanne Mgbemena. Nigerian Journalists: A Study of Their Demographic Characteristics and Professional Orientation. UT Austin 1980.
Catherine L. Peirce. The Relationship of Television Viewing, Reading and the Home Environment to Children's Creativity, Creative Writing and Writing Ability. UT Austin 1982.
Louise Falls Montgomery. Stress on Government and Mexican Newspapers' Commentary on Government Officials, 1951-1980. UT Austin 1983.
Robert Buckman. Comparative Cultural Influences in the Latin American Print Media: A Content Analysis of Cultural Agenda. UT Austin 1986.
George Sylvie. Editors and Hardware: Three Case Studies in Technology and Newspaper Management. UT Austin 1988.
Khalid Serhan Hurrat. Some Factors Affecting the Coverage of Foreign Events in 107 American Newspapers. UT Austin 1988.
John Peter Maittlen-Harris. The United States and International Program for the Development of Communication Information Policy: A Stylistic Analysis of Communications Policy Development. UT Austin 1991.
Dah-Som Michelle Im. The Nature of Meaning Shared in Communication: A Study of the Relationship between the Types of Meaning Presented in the News Story and the Types of Meaning Extracted by the Audience in the Communication Process. UT Austin 1992.
David Thompson. Mass Communication and the Newspaper of the Future: Some Effects of Modality, Story Type, and Search Experience on Reading Time, Memory and Information Location. UT Austin 1993.
Dixie Lee Shipp Evatt. The Influence of Emotion-Evoking Content of News on Issue Salience.
UT Austin 1997.
Vera Louise Walker. Traditional Versus New Media Storytelling as Pedagogy for African-American Children. UT Austin 2001.
(With Joseph Harper) The Newspaper Management Game, 1986.
Five Readability Programs, 1986.
(Editor) FIRE! A Reporting Simulation, John Pavlik, 1986.
(Editor) Mass Communication Theory Review, John Pavlik, 1986.
Keyword, A Computerized Indexing System, 1987.
GENCA: General Content Analysis Program, 1987.
(Editor) College Level Spelling Review, Warren Burkett, 1987.
(Editor) News Style Test Generator, Sarah Harrison, 1987.
(Editor) Public Relations Review, John Pavlik, 1987.
(With Dominic Lasorsa and Carlos Lozano) LEGI: A Spanish Readability Formula, 1988.
Editor) FATAL! A Reporting Simulation, John Pavlik, 1988.
(Editor) WIRE! A News Service Style Review, Edmund Elfers, 1988.
(Editor) Journalists Grammar Review, Elaine Fuller Tankard, 1988.
(Editor) Grammar-Spelling-Punctuation Test Generator, Version 1.1, 1990. Austin, Texas: College of Communication, The University of Texas, 1990.
Who's Who in the World; Who's Who in the United States; American Men and Women of Science (1973); Leaders in Education (1974); Presidents and Deans of American Universities (1966); Hall of Fame, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of Iowa (1989); Member, College of Communication Committee of Twenty-Five (1989-90); Secretary, UT System Faculty Advisory Group, 1990-92; Wayne Danielson Lecture Series, College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin (1991); Recipient, Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Contribution to Mass Communication Research, (1993); Pioneer Award, Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication, (1993); Civitatis Award, The University of Texas at Austin (2000).
Chair, The Faculty Senate, The University of Texas at Austin (1989-90)
Chair, UT-Austin Faculty Computer Committee, (1990-95);
Detailed Recommendations for Academic Computing for FY 1991-92 and General Plans for FY 1992-93 and FY 1993-94. 73 pp.
Faculty Computer Committee Report 1992-93. 205 pp.
Academic Computing at UT-AustinTHE VISION PLAN, Year 4 of a 10-Year Plan 1993-94. 404 pp.
Academic Computing at UT-AustinTHE VISION PLAN, Year 5 of a 10-Year
Plan 1994-95. 750 pp.
Academic Computing at UT-AustinTHE VISION PLAN, Year 6 of a 10-Year
Plan 1995-96. 508 pp.
Chair, Faculty Computer Committee Subcommittee on Information Technology Integration, 1994;
Improving Information Technology Integration at the University of Texas at Austin. 73 pp.
Chair, UT-Austin Committee on Multiculturalism in the Curriculum, 1990-91;
Report of the University Council ad hoc Committee on Multicultural Education. 51 pp.
Chair, UT-Austin Committee on Information Technology, 1992;
Report of the President's ad hoc Committee on Information Technology. 41 pp.
Chair, UT Council ad hoc Committee to Recommend Evaluation of Administrative Personnel, 1994;
Report of the University Council ad hoc Committee to Recommend Evaluation of Administrative Personnel (REAP). 15 pp.
Chair,Ad Hoc Task Force on Internet Services for Ex-Students and Retired Faculty and Staff. 1994;
Report of the Ad Hoc Task Force on Internet Services for Ex-Students and Retired Faculty and Staff. 38 pp.
Member, Site visitation team, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Columbia Community College, March 3-6, 2003.
Phi Beta Kappa (Iowa 1952); Kappa Tau Alpha; Sigma Delta Chi (Society of Professional Journalists); Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (president, 1970-71); American Sociological Association; Southern Sociological Society; American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism (president, 1967-68); Texas Journalism Education Council (chairman, 1970-71); Southwest Texas Public Television Council Board of Trustees (1975-1981); Phi Kappa Phi (president of UT chapter, 1982-83); University Co-Op Board of Directors, (1988-1992); UT Faculty Center Advisory Committee (1993-96); UT-Austin E-mail Policy Committee (1993-94); UT-Austin Information Technology Advisory Committee (1993-97); UT-Austin Committee on Information Technology University Policy (1996-97); UT Austin Long-Range Planning Committee for Information Technology (1996-1997).